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on the dictionary, the definition for “mindfullness” quotes:

a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique”

We at ithaca-sailing have prepared a program in tune with this type of “experience”.
The “Mindfullness” sailing week is designed to slowly enjoy some of the best spots in the area, with the right “mix” between nature and local culture.

Life on board is governed by respect for the physiological
rhythms and the surrounding environment,
without excesses,
without the frenetic and bulimic need to necessarily have
to do everything and see everything.

The days alternate between relaxing swims in pristine bays, healthy and nutritious breakfasts and meals, moments of relaxation and moments of activity, with flexibility, listening to the needs of the crew and a function of the weather and sea conditions

click here to find out the availability of dates and receive further details on programs and costs

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